Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Search Engine Optimization(SEO)

For most of the websites across the Internet majority of traffic is provided by search engines ( Google , Bing ,Yahoo, etc) regardless of website focus. Therefore, if your site cannot be properly located and indexed by the leading search engines, you are missing out on the best opportunity to drive targeted visitors and potential revenue. This blog will be the first in the series of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) blogs and will focus on what SEO is and why it is needed. Some important aspects of SEO and how they affect the ranking of a website in search engines will also be covered in brief.
All leading businesses today have a focus on making a solid presence on the web and want to stay a top on search engine result pages (SERP), SEO is the method used to achieve this goal. Wikipedia defines SEO as the process of improving the visibility of a website or a web page in search engines via the "natural" or un-paid ("organic" or "algorithmic") search results. For a successful Search Engine Optimization strategy, we should remember that search engines look at content and also at the structure of the markup. They emphasize the importance of text content, page titles, keywords rich text, Meta descriptions and information architecture.
But SEO does not end here. Much like getting your body into shape through exercise where we can’t just go to gym for a day and assume that we will be fit for whole life, SEO is a process that requires us to continuously stick to a disciplined routine and follow it over the period of time. We can’t just change one or two things on our website and expect it to rocket up to the top of the SERPS and stay there. We should focus on building rich content and links over a long period of time.
All the gains that we have made by working out will be gone if we start being lazy. It is the same with SEO it is not something you can set it and then forget it. The top positions in a SERP are not some sort of entitlement and if our website isn’t getting better, it’s getting worse. Our competitors will always be there struggling to catch up to us and might out rank us if we get complacent. So in order to be successful we need to incorporate a good SEO campaign into our normal business lifecycle. The outcome of an SEO campaign for any organization is to create high organic rankings for the keywords/phrases for which the site is designed. The ultimate result will be to increase the targeted traffic. A good SEO campaign includes the following three aspects:
Keyword analysis : Taking into consideration the traffic, competition and relevance we should analyze and select proper keywords for the site. If you are not selecting the proper keywords, then the rest of the optimization will all go in vain. Site’s appearance to both users and search engines are defined by these keywords and so the text and theme of the site must revolve around these keywords.
Onsite optimization: All the changes that we make in the site such text content, architecture of the site, HTML code, and page layout falls under this aspect. This is the most commonly understood aspect of SEO and contributes some oomph on ranking but we should not completely depend on it only. This is where your keywords are placed throughout the code to show the search engines what your site is about.
Offsite optimization: This aspect plays a vital role in determining the ranking and quality of content. It deals with changes made outside the scope of the site which involves increasing the quantity and quality of inbound links to the site. The goal is to get as many sites as possible to link back to your site which maximizes the site's exposure on the Web.
Keeping these things in mind we will start exploring deep into SEO with focus on keyword analysis in my next blog.